Relfas Transport and Logistics is a premier provider of comprehensive logistics solutions, specializing in cross-border transportation, local collections and deliveries, warehouse storage, packaging, and logistics detailing.
Connecting journeys, delivering excellence, transforming transportation for a better future.
Delivering excellence in transport logistics, ensuring efficiency and reliability always.
Efficient, reliable Road Freight services for all your Logistics needs.
Efficient Sea Freight Logistics service for reliable global cargo transportation solutions.
Efficient air freight service for seamless global transport logistics solutions.
We Are Ready For Your Call
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Streamlined customs clearance services ensuring timely and hassle-free logistics operations.
Efficiently manage and distribute goods with reliable transport logistics services.
Offering Best Curated Services For Your Business Needs
At Relfas Transport and Logistics, we are committed to excellence, reliability, and innovation, striving to exceed expectations and create lasting partnerships with our clients.
Relfas serves the entire SADC region, facilitating trade and commerce across borders with efficiency and reliability.
Our expertise extends to transporting goods of all kinds, from heavy machinery to delicate chemical products, foodstuffs, furniture, and equipment.
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Our company excels in transport logistics with strategic strengths in road freight for efficient inland delivery, sea freight for global shipping, and air freight for rapid international transport.
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